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Showing posts from December, 2017

Babes in Toyland (March of the Wooden Soldiers) (1934)

In the last few years, with the rise of Netflix and other streaming services, the local TV stations have essentially dropped movies from their schedules to focus more on television series.   As a result, many Christmas classics that were in heavy rotation during the 1980s and 1990s have been dropped to the wayside to make room for more contemporary programming.   This is the fate that has, unfortunately, befallen the Laurel and Hardy classic Babes in Toyland ( March of the Wooden Soldiers). I first saw Babes in Toyland in third grade; our principal owned a 16 mm print and screened it for the entire school. This came shortly after I had discovered Laurel and Hardy, so naturally I was elated when I saw their names in the opening credits. The rest of the students were indifferent first, but eventually got into the movie. Imagine my joys a few years later when, while browsing through the (then) brand new Wal-Mart, I found it to buy on VHS (in color) for the low prices of 12.99.