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Showing posts from July, 2012
Why a Remake of Jaws is Inevitable and How Hollywood Will Screw it Up! Jaws is arguably the greatest summer blockbuster movie ever made, it's a well made action thriller with a memorable screen villain and, more importantly, characters that the audience genuinely cares about.  There's excellent an review of  Jaws on the website Jabootu , which does the film more justice than I could ever hope to do. Check it out! It's fairly long, but a good read nonetheless. Why It Will Be Remade? Jaws has spawned three sequels and countless rip offs that it’s only a matter of time that light bulb goes off in some studio exec’s head and says, “Why not remake Jaws? We can make it so much better with today’s technology!” The last decade of cinema has been littered with remakes and reboots of popular movies that updating Jaws isn’t nearly as farfetched as it seems: Gus Van Sant took a stab at Psycho and failed , Peter Jackson gave King Kong the Tolkien treatment, and Tim Bur

Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957)

If I had to choose my favorite decade overall for filmmaking, it would be the 1950s. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the films of the 50s were vastly superior to those of any other decade, it’s mainly due to the fact it was quite possibly the most eclectic time for cinema.   It was a decade in which the genres ranged from the big budget musicals to low budget science fiction films. It was a decade in which, out of panic, the studios devised all sorts of gimmicks to steal back their audience from the ever growing threat of television. If you want to know how filmmakers viewed television, watch any film from the 1950s and it’s never portrayed in a positive light. It was the first time that studios (primarily American International Pictures) started making films that pandered to a teenage audience; the mid 50s saw a boom of teenaged theme movies with titles like I Was a Teenage Werewolf and Teenage Caveman. What’s interesting is that despite their ridiculous titles, some of