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Showing posts from November, 2017

American Horror House (2012)

After watching American Horror House, I initially thought that it was made by young filmmakers who, after having watched one too many horror movies, decided to make their own horror movie as a calling card to the movie industry.   From its over reliance of dutch angles and point of view shots to constantly referencing better horror movies, American Horror House has film student written all over it. Therefore, it was a bit of shock when I found out that both its director (Darin Scott) and screenwriter (Anthony C. Ferrante) have been in the business for quite sometime and have been churning out this kind of schlock their entire careers. I’m fairly lenient towards young, inexperienced filmmakers struggling to make a scary movie, but these men seem fairly content in cranking out lazy, by the numbers horror movies (Ferrante is probably best known for directing the Sharknado movies).  American Horror House has the exact same structure as the original Friday the 13 th : a pre-c