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Showing posts from May, 2012

Encino Man Vs Teen Wolf

IMDB synpopsis for Teen Wolf:  Teen discovers that puberty for him means he turns into a werewolf. One of the beneficial side effects is that it also turns him into a top-notch basketball player. But will his notoriety cost him his friends and can he find true love? IMDB synopsis for Encino Man:  Stoney and Dave find a caveman (Link) trapped in ice, thaw him out, and show him around town. Although Link is slow to catch on to basic concepts of 20th century life, he has no trouble impressing all the girls and helping Stoney and Dave find the coolness they've been searching for. There has been a long standing debate in the film community as to which film is better: Encino Man or Teen Wolf. Both films have been recognized by scholars and movie goers alike as being the two greatest films EVER; hence it has become an obsession to find out which one is better. They both share similar storylines: average high schooler wishes he was popular and through a set of